
SONM Wallet


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User guide


What is SONM Wallet?

SONM Wallet is SONM GUI, a software program that stores private and public keys and provide SONM functions for users (Consumers and Suppliers).

SONM Wallet provides the following functions:

Hosted SONM wallet version will be provided as well.

What currencies?

SONM Wallet support Ethereum, SNM token and all other Ethereum ERC-20 tokens. Default view includes Ether and SNM.

Transaction fees

Additional fees is absent in SONM Wallet. You pay only Ethereum fees for transactions.

Security assurance

SONM Wallet supports the use of multiple profiles (several wallets) within the application. For each wallet the user set up a wallet name and wallet password.

Switching between wallets are avaliable when the application starts or refreshes.

You may include any quantity of Ethereum accounts into one wallet. To include account or make a trensaction you shoul enter the account password.

Local settings for each wallet (account key files, list of accounts and tokens, transaction history) are stored in the local SONM Wallet storage on the user’s PC. The settings file is encrypted with the wallet password.

Developers part

Before start:

npm i


npm run webpack # run app in dev mode


npm run webpack:one # build app with index.html and app.bundled.js into ./dist
npm run webpack:web # build app for web into ./docs

Generates app in docs folder.


npm run karma # run tests with Karma

React components:

npm run sg # run Isolated React component development environment

Folder structure:

├── front
│   ├── assets - logo, font, entry point
│   ├── config - webpack configuration
│   ├── src - app source code
│   ├── typings - TypeScript definitions
├── test - Karma tests